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Why investing in Diaspora's entrepreneurs is a good idea?

Interview with Loic Ouatta, CEO of DjobaGroup (FinTech)
Publié par Alan
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Why investing in Diaspora's entrepreneurs is a good idea?

DjobaGroup is a FinTech built on a wish: to overcome one of the most recurring matter in West Africa: accessibility. DjobaGroup intends to help local communities having access to a banking solution (DjobaCash), vital supplies (DjobaCare), and a marketplace (DjobaShop) with its own local delivery service. Meet Loic Ouattara, 33 years old, a former legal expert who became an entrepreneur to create a Tech for Good FinTech. 

Loic Ouattara perfectly well knows what for and whom for he does what he does. The entire project of being an entrepreneur took him a big ten years to achieve. Before DjobaGroup, Loic Ouattara was a legal expert in Lille and he worked with his father for Zandoo, a marketplace they built together to import products from Europe to Africa.

"I wanted it, I got it"

Loic Ouattara wanted it and he got it. He thrived to obtain his law expert capacity, as his younger self was working in the same time as a warehouse man. For six years, he followed classes at the University day and night, and finally got it: "When I was a teenager, I was restless and rebellious. I dropped out of high school and started working. But I was not interested by material handling at all. I always seeked being a law expert and worked day and night for it... And it paid off". Grateful for his parents efforts to give him the best and enpowered by the results he owned, Loic Ouattara asked himself how he could give back. To his parents but also to the local communities, from where his parents come from, in West Africa. "With a legacy like that, you cannot allow yourself not to be working your ass of" he admit.

And this is exactly why investing in Diaspora's entrepreneurs is a good idea! Diaspora's entrepreneurs are people with a great multicultural footprint and a deep understanding of the problems faced by local communities from their families' countries of origin. And sometimes, they choose to create valuable companies dedicated to give back, like Loic Ouattara did.

Tech for Good at heart


DjobaGroup is a 3 products startup designed at its dawn to help local populations in West Africa: a marketplace, a neo bank (FinTech)  and a vital supplies provider. The donators are mainly Diaspora's communities spread accross Europe and beyond. DjobaCare (vital supplies provider) partnered up with local hospitals and pharmacies and DjobaCash (FinTech, payment and money remittance). The headquarters of DjobaGroup are both in Lille, at EuraTechnologies and in Abidjan, in the Ivory Coast. The idea behind this is to help donators targeting their donation in a specific area to avoid misappropriation, as it often goes in the poorest regions, where dramas can happen when people choose not to buy medication but instead use the money sent by their families for other purposes.

The marketplace, Djoba Shop, is combined with a delivery local service to ensure low prices and fast shipping. "We manage all the supply chain with no external partner, this is why our prices are the best", ad DjobaGroup's CEO.

Loic Ouattara's track record

Loic Ouattara was a DiversiMaker laureate in the Hauts-de-France Region in 2019 and integrated EuraTech's incubation program the same year. He's a project selected and mentored by the Presidential Council for Africa.

What news for Djoba? Loic Ouattara is now entering its fundraising phase for its 2022, Q1 global launch. DjobaGroup is open to various business profiles: Compliance, Finances and Investments.

The company has more than 2000 partners across Africa with a physical presence in 4 countries: Ivory Coast, Togo, Burkina Faso and Senegal. Best luck, Djoba!

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