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Cyber Campus - First Territorial certification in France

The CAMPUS CYBER Hauts-de-France Lille Métropole becomes the first regional campus to be labeled by the National Cyber Campus aligning with its pan-European vision
Published by Alan
June 08, 2022
Cyber Campus - First Territorial certification in France

This morning, at the International Cybersecurity Forum (FIC) in Lille, France, the French National Cyber Campus awarded its first territorial label to the Campus Cyber Hauts-de-France Lille Métropole. Operated by the EuraTechnologies startup center and largely financed by the Lille European Metropolis (MEL) and the Hauts-de-France Region, this 3,000 m² campus will become one of the largest cyber innovation centers in Europe. Located in the new WENOV building in Lille, it will open its doors next fall. 

With this first regional label, the Cyber Campus network, initiated by French President Emmanuel Macron, begins to take shape. Obtaining this label is the culmination of a long process and will give EuraTechnologies and its partners the necessary traction to federate the European cybersecurity ecosystem around a single cluster. The Campus Cyber Hauts-de-France Lille Métropole thus inaugurates the circle of Territorial Cyber Campuses coordinated by the French National Cyber Campus. 

 This common ambition to protect society and promote French excellence in cybersecurity has a strong echo in the northern region. The Hauts-de-France region has a dense and flourishing ecosystem of cyber players who were born and are based here (Orange Cyberdefense, Stormshield, Exer, Vade, Crytr, OverSOC ...) as well as university courses recognized for training the muchneeded talents in this field (University of Lille, IMT Nord Europe, University of Valenciennes, INSA, ISEN / Yncrea ...).  
Finally, the European Metropolis of Lille, halfway between Paris, London, Brussels and Amsterdam, is also strategically positioned to play a key role in European cooperation. 

Xavier Bertrand, President of the Hauts-de-France Region  

"The Campus Cyber Hauts-de-France Lille Métropole has just received the territorial label. This is a first in France and it's in the Hauts-de-France region. This step forward shows the commitment of the stakeholders and particularly the region to cybersecurity. Thanks to this Campus, companies will be supported and protected against cyber risks. Cybersecurity is a sector of the future, which is why the Campus Cyber Hauts-de-France will also offer training in cybersecurity professions. The region is proud to host such a large-scale strategic center on its territory, which is a sign of our region's appeal on a national and European scale."  

Damien Castelain, President of the Lille European Metropolis  

"Cybersecurity is more than ever everyone's concern. It is a major national strategic issue in a world of digitalization. For many years, the European Metropolis of Lille has been a key player in this transformation. This is why I wanted the Campus Cyber Hauts-de-France Lille Métropole to take its place at the heart of the MEL. The Cyber Campus label, which the MEL wanted and obtained, offers a great opportunity to work hand in hand with the state and to reenforce the MEL's ambition to become the European capital of Tech."  

Nicolas Brien, President of EuraTechnologies  

"Receiving this label is a great source of pride. It confirms our ambition to make EuraTechnologies a leading place in Europe to bring together cybersecurity players. We offer a unique opportunity to be at the heart of an ecosystem of more than 300 companies, research and training centers. We invite partners, talents, project leaders and startups, including those from our close European neighbors, to join us to collectively innovate and protect ourselves.”  

Michel Van Den Berghe, President of Campus Cyber  

"Four months after the opening of the National Cyber Campus, I am delighted that the first Territorial Cyber Campus - Hauts-de-France Lille Metropole - has been accredited. Other regions are preparing to join the network of Territorial Cyber Campuses. Through this collective approach, they will be able to contribute to the development of a trusted digital space.” 

EuraTechnologies' know-how for a Cyber campus of excellence

The Campus Cyber Hauts-de-France Lille Métropole, an ambitious project developed by EuraTechnologies, has four missions:  

  • Operation: prevent and react to attacks by
    • Investing in state-of-the-art equipment, including a cyber-range (an attack simulation platform to train cyber teams),
    • Organizing “à la carte” security courses for SMEs / ETIs and local authorities,
    • Hosting a CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Team) in early 2023. This cyber incident response center for entities located in the region will handle requests for assistance from mid-sized companies (e.g., SMEs, SMIs, etc.) and put them in touch with partners,
    • ...  
  • Innovation: Nurture the tech champions of tomorrow by
    • Offering a specific incubation program dedicated to cybersecurity with two promotions per year,
    • Developing innovation and collaboration between companies, academia, and research centers,
    • ...  
  • Training: raising awareness and training future talent by
    • Establishing partnerships with specialized university programs and reserving places for students within the EuraTechnologies incubation program
    • Implementing joint training programs via shared equipment such as the cyberrange  
    • Creating educational programs that provide certifications and university credit at the bachelor and master levels.
    • Hosting the Ministry of the Interior's National Cyber Training Center (CNF-Cyber) from September 2022
    • ...  
  • Mobilization: federate and animate the ecosystem by
    • Organizing events that will promote exchanges and the discovery of new technical, legal and societal trends in the digital sphere
    • Federating existing awareness initiatives of partners, associations, etc.
    • Raising awareness among all citizens through Open Days and the promotion of the various cybersecurity professions
    • ... 

Campus Cyber Territoriaux, a national and territorial network serving a great cyber nation

Through the creation of the network of Territorial Cyber Campuses, the National Cyber Campus aims to share and propagate the culture and know-how of French cybersecurity throughout the country in order to develop a trusted digital space. This network aims to energize the entire industry through intra-territorial cooperation, by highlighting the know-how of local players in a single location, and inter-territorial cooperation with innovation and communication relays throughout the country. A single label will be awarded to one campus or center per region in France. 



The Hauts-de-France Region has made the digitalization of its businesses a priority with two major objectives: to "accelerate" traditional know-how through digital technology, and to strengthen its economic fabric with a cybersecurity policy that tackles increasing cyber challenges. Numerous actions have been taken in this direction, notably within the framework of rev3, the "Industrie du Futur" plan, as well as through the various regional strategies conducted jointly on the deployment of digital technology and its consequences on cyber-risk management. Specific support (awareness, audit, consulting, training and financial) has been developed for companies, equipping them to deal with cybercrime. At the forefront of this field, the Hauts-de-France region has established itself as a major player in Northern Europe in terms of cybersecurity, especially when it comes to training, as is the case with the many regional establishments that train highly qualified experts in security and risk management related to information systems. 


 At the service of the 95 municipalities that constitutes it, the Lille European Metropolis acts daily for 1.2 million inhabitants. It is competent in the following essential areas: transport, housing, economy, energy, public space and roads, development and urban planning, city policy, water, sanitation, household waste, accessibility for the disabled, nature and living environment, culture, sport, tourism, crematoria. The Council of the Metropolis, chaired by Damien Castelain since his re-election on July 9, 2020, is composed of 188 members elected for 6 years. 


Created in 2009 by three historical shareholders, the Lille European Metropolis, the Hauts-de-France Region and the City of Lille, later joined by Crédit Agricole Nord de France, Crédit Mutuel Nord Europe de France and Caisse d'Épargne Hauts de France, EuraTechnologies is Europe's largest startup incubator, based in Lille, one hour from Amsterdam, London and Paris, and 30 minutes from Brussels.  

EuraTechnologies' mission is to support the development of digital companies and entrepreneurs through a unique methodology and know-how, from the idea to the project, up to international deployment. A precursor of French Tech, EuraTechnologies is also called the Heart of French Tech and received the French Tech label in April 2019.  


Initiated by the French President of the Republic, Campus Cyber is the admiralship of cybersecurity on a national and international level. It federates in one location, large companies, state agencies, associations, small businesses, start-ups, schools, and public research. Through its work groups, Campus Cyber aims at producing commons resources based on shared interests and collaboration. To date, Campus Cyber regroups over 180 entities, both private and public, that are actively involved in the project and its future development. 

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