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AI Training at EuraTechnologies

Welcome to our Continuous AI Training Program, an initiative of EuraTechnologies in collaboration with the Catholic University of Lille. This program is designed for managers, leaders, and employees eager to understand and integrate AI solutions into their professional fields.

Embark on a continuous training dedicated to artificial intelligence, where you will explore the innovative solutions that AI can bring to your business. At the heart of Wenov, our program prepares you to identify and use AI-based decision-making tools, understand the importance of data, and discover the legal and ethical implications of using AI.

AI Training at EuraTechnologies
AI Training at EuraTechnologies

Next Sessions

From September 19, 2025 to November 21, 2025.

10 training days on Fridays from September 19, 2025 until November 21, 2025.

Training Objectives

Understanding AI Solutions
Understanding AI Solutions
Discover how AI can solve complex problems and add value to your business.
Identifying Decision-Making Tools
Identifying Decision-Making Tools
Identify different AI solutions and their applicability in your decision-making processes.
Understanding Data Needs
Understanding Data Needs
Learn the importance of data for the functioning and improvement of AI systems.
Legal and Ethical Aspects:
Legal and Ethical Aspects:
Explore the legal frameworks and ethical considerations essential for responsible AI practice.
Success Criteria and Risks
Success Criteria and Risks
Be informed of the key success factors and risks associated with AI projects.

Key Features of the Program

  • Target Audience: Managers, leaders, and employees aiming to integrate AI into their activities.
  • Duration and Format: 10 weeks of training, with weekly sessions every Friday.
  • Certification: Upon completion of the training, a university certificate will be awarded by the Catholic University of Lille.
  • Professional Development: Acquire key skills for the integration of AI in your field.
  • Network and Community: Join a network of AI experts and professionals.

Why Our AI Training?

  • Expert Collaboration: Benefit from the combined expertise of EuraTechnologies and the Catholic University of Lille.
  • Industry-Aligned Program: Content tailored to market demands and the latest innovations in AI.
  • Ethical Commitment: Deepen your understanding of the ethical and legal responsibilities associated with AI.

Témoignages d'alumnis

"Formation très complète et intéressante car assez généraliste.
Elle n'aborde pas que les IA génératives mais bien toutes les différentes IA, avec en plus les aspects juridiques, éthiques, gestion de projet… J'ai compris la manière globale d'intégrer les projets, et l'importance de la culture du changement.
En 3 mots : Enrichissante, pragmatique, chaleureuse.
Je la recommanderai à toutes les personnes qui veulent entrer dans le monde de l'IA, et pas seulement sur l'IA générative, mais aussi sur des dimensions plus globales"
- Cyril, entrepreneur.

"Parce que IA est devenu primordial pour les entreprises, je voulais avoir une meilleure connaissance des possibilités pour adapter la stratégie et les projets de mon entreprise.
Où on en est ? On est déjà en train de monter des projets, cela m'a appris ce qu'il faut faire, notamment bien inclure les personnes impliquées, mieux connaître le lien entre IA et datas, et clarifier les aspects juridiques.
Mon cours préféré :  Le management des projets IA et les risques
Je recommande cette formation à des managers, des chefs d'entreprise, de tout secteur d'activité. "
- Cédric, chef d'entreprise.

Témoignages d'alumnis

Embark on the AI Revolution

Join our AI training program at EuraTechnologies and revolutionize your career. For more information and to register :

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