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How to measure and reduce climate impact: EuraTech's startups (and their apps) set the tone!

If there is one word to take away from the latest IPCC report, sobriety should be it. But from awareness to implementation, it's a long and winding road, as the Beatles said... Coming to the rescue are tools for measuring carbon footprints and promoting behavioural changes that support its reduction: Asses --> Identify --> Transform
Published by Alan
May 31, 2022
How to measure and reduce climate impact: EuraTech's startups (and their apps) set the tone!

Tool N°1: LCA, what else?

Alongside mobility and construction, the agricultural sector is one of the largest contributors of GHGs. It is also the one most directly affected by climate change. With this in mind, the Karbon team, an app developed at EuraTech, has taken on the sector by storm! Armed with a 360° tool, it offers a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach capable of analyzing the various emission points from field to fork. The objective: to reduce emissions over the entire product value chain. Breaking news: you will learn that cows are not the only responsible ones. 😂


Tool N°2: the carbon footprint report, a compass for responsible transition

In the mass of good intentions towards carbon neutrality, there is one tool that walks the talk: The carbon footprint calculator. It provides a snapshot at a given time of the carbon footprint generated by an organization, and enables the company to define an associated optimization and transition strategy, focusing efforts on the most emissive areas. A master in the art of calculating emissions, Greenmetrics, which operates out of the EuraTech incubator in Saint-Quentin, is tackling the digital sector, which is responsible for 4% of global GHG emissions.


Tool N°3: opening the black box of corporate social and environmental performance

It is difficult to measure the individual impact of an organization on the climate, as it is a system. To tackle this challenge, La Société Nouvelle created a panel of social and environmental indicators that allow us to measure business performance and re-think accounting practices that include sustainability as a success indicator- Because to change it, you need to acknowledge it, and to acknowledge it you need to measure it!


Tool N°4: Coaching behavioral changes

OK, so we know change is necessary- But changes in lifestyle and business practices are slow to take place. It is precisely the challenge that Lille-based startup Energic took on. To reach ambitious emission-reduction targets, this creative company relies on gaming to engage citizens, students or companies, from 9 to 99 years old :) A gaming application where everyone is a winner at the end!

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